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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

definitely getting some butterflies...

definitely getting some butterflies...
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
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Well " the appointment" is the day after tomorrow and I am super nervous.

Not sure what about, I'm just hoping to get some good news. The hope is to be pregnant by Christmas. But, we shall see.

All I can do is continue to pray and hope that they are willing to work with me.

That's my mini vent for the day. Thanks for reading!
Friday, June 26, 2009

A new start...

A new start...
Friday, June 26, 2009
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So I had originally started this blog last year to fill with randomnesses.

It's been over a year and a lot has happened.

Allow me to fill you in.

Alexis and I "officially" started trying to have a baby in June of last year. After visiting with my OB in June (pre-pregnancy consult) who told me to try for about 6 months if not come back for further testing etc, in July I had a CP. After that, I started having lots of problems cycles lasting 1-2 months, pains in my ovaries and lots of other uncomfortable things. At my June appt. my doctor had brought up PCOS as a possibility but decided to go the natural route for at least 6 months before running any tests.
In December my insurance was changed at work and I could no longer see my OB.

So I searched for a new doctor and had to wait 2 months for an appointment.

In visiting the new doctor she ran all kinds of uncomfortable tests after I explained everything that had been going on. A month later I went back in for the results and in April I was formally diagnosed with PCOS. Thankfully, I had no other issues. PCOS can cause diabetes and I was extremely nervous about that.

My doctor's remedy....lose weight and come back in 6 months. Deep down, at that moment, I wanted to cry. I walked out of the doctor's office with my game face on and a sense of determination but the reality was that I was even more discouraged than I was before I went in.

About a week later it really started to sink in how "not okay" I was with all of this. I couldn't help but think to myself "big girls have babies all the time". The reality is that other than being over-weight there is nothing else wrong with me. I didn't mind watching what I ate so no furhter problems arose and attempting to lose a few pounds but I did not want it to be a pre-requisite for having a baby.

So after going back and forth, crying lots and lots of tears and having my heart literally hurt 24 hours a day over the fact this is so difficult when for others it's soo easy I decided to go see another doctor. I also found lots of encouragement from girls on message boards in similar situations and this site which basically state if a doctor tells you to lose weight and come back....get a second opinion.

I made an appointment with the only RE covered under my insurance. Which of course is in Pembroke Pines = SUPER FAR!

Oh well... gotta do whatcha gotta do.

I'll be honest....I'm ridiculously nervous.
I was very open with the office when I made my appointment. I explained why my OB turned me away and to please not waste my time because this office was over an hour from my house.
But, I'm still worried I'll get a similar reaction from them.

They sent over all the forms for me to fill out. I still need to get all the paperwork from my OB about all the tests I had done and call my insurance so they have me listed as having IF issues.

All I can do now is pray. I truly hope that this all works out for the best. A little hope a faith.
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